Joyful + Nourishment
The Joyful + Nourishment Podcast
SE3 - Ep2: From Crossfit to Body Positivity with Jonny Landels

SE3 - Ep2: From Crossfit to Body Positivity with Jonny Landels

I am delighted to be back to you with an episode that really centers the male experience around food, eating, weight, dieting and body image. I hope you will enjoy this episode that I had with Jonny Landels as much as I did.

We don’t talk about enough how disordered eating and body image issues show up for men, which is why I feel this is a very valuable conversation to have had and to have the opportunity to share.

Jonny Landels is a former diet-culture-obsessed fat loss coach turned intuitive eating coach and HAES advocate. He spent years fighting his own body and believing he just needed to be more disciplined and motivated to maintain weight loss long term.

A couple of years ago he started learning about disordered eating and intuitive eating, and then slowly pivoted his coaching and re-trained, and has not looked back since! Jonny now help clients break free from food and body obsession and end their constant mental battle with food, while using strength training to help them fall in love with exercise again.

In this conversation we talk about:

·       How Jonny transitioned from being a fat loss coach to an intuitive eating coach and even when he was on board with rejecting Diet Culture, fat loss was still seen as a goal for another while.

·       His own personal journey with his body, fitness culture and moving towards a more peaceful relationship with food and his body.

·       How society’s messages can have an impact on a young man’s view on himself and what he needs to do and look like to be accepted.

·       Weight cycling

·       Binge Eating and calorie tracking

·       The stigma around eating disorders

·       Disordered eating in the fitness industry and more…

Where to find out more about Jonny Landels:

Podcast: Beyond The Mirror

IG: @nextstepnutritionltd

Find me over on Straightforward Nutrition

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 Book in for a 30 min free initial session here

I hope you find this podcast episode valuable and please feel free to share it with anyone you think may benefit.

See you again next week!

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Joyful + Nourishment
The Joyful + Nourishment Podcast
This is a Podcast about all things that helps or hinders us from having a joyful + nourishing relationship with food, eating and our bodies. We talk about Diet Culture, eating disorder recovery, binge eating, emotional eating and body image distress.
Joyful, pleasurable nourishment is a radical act in a culture that wants us to stay small.