Linn, this was such a beautiful post and love the new pic of you (at least it's new to me).

Here's the line that resonated the most for me and captures the heart of what drives the work we're doing: "If we want to create a world where eating disorders and disordered eating is on the decline and not on the rise, we need to keep talking about how Diet Culture and the endless worshipping and upholding of thinness as the ideal drives our own internalised oppression. No matter what size we are."

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Aww Kristi, thank you for the love and support. It means a lot. Of course Diet Culture is still only the top of the iceberg of the oppressions, but for most people this is where the pushback begins.

P.S Are you talking about the picture in the email footer?

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Yes, had never seen that one before

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It’s been there a little while but you will only see it if you’re reading in your email ☺️

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Such an emotive subject written about so well Linn. I am currently avoiding a health check that I know will label me with a clinical weight term that is horrible to contemplate, that will come with a generous side order of judgement - both internal and external. For years after gaining weight, I felt like a thin person in a fat person’s body. I’d always been slim as a child and in my early twenties and couldn’t reconcile the outward changes in my mid to late 20s and into my 30s to this inner view. Until I realised that I had passed the point where I had been fat for longer than I was thin. Ironically, in my late teens and early 20s, I wouldn’t wear sleeveless tops because I thought the tops of my arms looked too skinny. I feel reconciled more to just being who I am, but I do have an inbuilt worry about how people see me and the health metrics of my size.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story Emily. I think you’re not alone at all in your experience or feelings. Body changes are hard, and even harder because of the anti-fat thin obsessed culture we live in.

And your fear of the judgement from your Dr is justified. Weight stigma is rampant in the healthcare system 😢

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Thanks Linn, its definitely a hard thing to shake. As I contemplate another stint of dieting.....

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Big hug to you x

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